Donate – Capital Campaign


Join us in the capital campaign that we launched in September of 2020. We are raising $475, 000 for a two-phase campaign. The first $100k will go to the opening of the Bridge Gospel Academy. We envisioned the 1st year of the school to be fully funded so that we can proceed with what God has called us to do regardless of the number of students. This phase will be used for construction on existing buildings, marketing, and advertising, salary for an administrator, computers, beds, desks, etc.

The second phase of $375k will fund the new Welcome Center. The Welcome Center will be the first building you see as you drive on to the campus. It will be a 2-story multi-functional building. The lower level will have business offices, a reception area, a camp store, bathrooms, a board room, and a conference room. The upper level will have 4 dormitories, each dorm will have a full-size bed and 3 sets of bunk beds with their own bathroom. This will give camp 32 more beds.

Contributions of any amount are welcome at any time.

All donations are charitable contributions, may be tax deductible, and will be receipted as such. Annual reports of scholarship funds, disbursement amounts, and upcoming goals will be available at our annual meeting in September.