Summer Volunteer Application

ALACCA Bible Conference

Volunteer Application

Marital Status

Please choose from the following: (Check all you would be willing to fill

High School Voyager
Middle School Discoverer
456 Pathfinder
234 Trekker
Other Camps
Have you served at ALACCA in the past 2 years? *

If yes, please skip to the signature block. All others please complete the following section.

How much of the Bible have you read? *
Have you ever been convicted of a crime, including sex-related or child abuse offenses? *


Provide information below for two adults (not relatives) as references. One needs to be your pastor or Professor (if a college intern). (If you are related to your pastor please provide a reference from an associate pastor or church elder/deacon)

I Agree to the following
• That my service at ALACCA is unto the Lord and I will carry it out with the respect due to God.
• That, to the best of my knowledge, all the information in this application is true and complete.
• To read and abide by the ALACCA Camp Manual, all camp rules, and decisions of camp management.
• To support the ALACCA Bible Conference Statement of Faith while serving at ALACCA.
• Not to promote any doctrine or practice which I know to be contrary to the ALACCA Statement of Faith.
• To submit an Authorization & Request for Criminal Records Check Form to the Camp Director (if 18 or older).
• To complete devotional and training materials provided by ALACCA prior to arriving for service at camp.
• To arrive at ALACCA Bible Camp by 12:00pm on Monday for all camps (except for 234 that is Tuesday) and will not leave until all assigned tasks are completed, unless otherwise notified.
• To give permission for images to be taken of myself at ALACCA, to be used for the purposes of promotional materials and publications, and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereof.
• That I may be asked to do tasks other than those for which I have applied and I agree to cooperate in these to the best of my ability.
• That I must meet certain qualifications for certain positions. I understand that submitting an application does not guarantee my acceptance by ALACCA or for the specific positions I requested.
(Please type in your full name)
(Please type in your name)