Summer Intern Application

ALACCA Bible Conference


Which Internship are you applying for?
(H.S. ONLY) Check the TEAMS you wish to interview for: *
Check any skills that apply to you: *

• High School Summer Interns serve at all summer camps except High School Camp. You must attend the camp for your own age group and you must attend the trainings that go along with your High School Internship.


Provide information below for two adults (not relatives) as references. One needs to be your pastor or Professor (if a college intern). (If you are related to your pastor please provide a reference from an associate pastor or church elder/deacon)

I Agree to the following
• That my service at ALACCA is unto the Lord and I will carry it out with the respect due God.
• That, to the best of my knowledge, all of the information in this application is true and complete.
• To read and abide by the ALACCA camp manual, all camp rules and decisions made by camp management.
• To support the ALACCA Bible Conference Statement of Faith while in service at ALACCA and not to promote any doctrine or practice which I know to be contrary to the ALACCA Bible Conference.
• To arrive at ALACCA Bible Camp at the assigned date and time and not leave until scheduled to do so.
• To submit an Authorization & Request for Criminal Records Check form to the Camp Director (if 18+).
• *To attend my age appropriate camp and other ALACCA Training.
• That I am willing, able, and ready to present the gospel at any time.
• That prayer will be a central focus and I will pray for my campers daily.
• That I must meet certain expectations, and possess particular qualities specific to the Summer Intern Position for which I have applied. Submitting an application does not guarantee my acceptance to serve as a Summer Intern at ALACCA. High School and College interns each have different qualifications and expectations.
And I understand (High School Interns ONLY) *
◦ I am at ALACCA as a missionary and will treat all I do as such including raising support for: all funds needed for the summer; i.e. food outside of camp, transportation to & from, and High School Camp tuition.
◦ *If I am under 18 I will go home between camps.
(Please type in your full name)
(Please type in your name)